RIM (Research In Motion) has launched its BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) 7, in the version 7 is RIM launched BBM Voice, where each BlackBerry users can make free calls. However, the use of Voice fuel required to go through a WiFi network, so I can connect with my friends on BBM contacts. In fuel Voice can also change the status of whether it is online or ofline, as quoted by detikcom.
In BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) 7 is added emoticons funny, there were 16 new emociton.
BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) 7 also integrates with the BlackBerry ID, so you no longer need to fear losing contact when changing phones BlackBerry, simply login to your BlackBerry ID, your contacts will all pitch in to restore the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) 7.
In BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) 7 is added emoticons funny, there were 16 new emociton.
BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) 7 also integrates with the BlackBerry ID, so you no longer need to fear losing contact when changing phones BlackBerry, simply login to your BlackBerry ID, your contacts will all pitch in to restore the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) 7.