Hacker Successfully Installs Google Maps on iOS 6

Google Maps on iOS 6

If you’ve downloaded the iOS 6 update for your iPad and your iPhone, you’re certainly outraged with the decision of Apple to ditch Google Maps for their own iOS maps app.
The majority of the feedback that we have been getting are neither good nor bad. It is outright awful.
But one jailbreaker was able to find out a way to bypass the iOS maps and install the ever loved Google Maps app from iOS 5.1 to the updated iOS 6 iPhone 3GS.
According to Ryan Petrich the hack is “still crashy and cannot be distributed to the public yet, but it mostly works.” He posted a video of his achievement in YouTube which you can find here.
But Apple for their part has been saying to their clients to be more patient with their iOS maps app. They said that the company is trying their very best to improve the experience of its users.
The iOS maps app that currently comes preinstalled in the iOS 6 suffers from inaccurate location data. Compared to Google Maps, the current iOS maps app that Apple iOS 6 device carries as of the moment looks like 5 years behind.
Let’s just keep our fingers crossed that Mr. Petrich finds a way to perfect his hack so that Apple users may once again enjoy Google Maps.

source : http://technewsgadget.net
Image Source: westpenjournal.com